
  • Data From The UK Government Is Devastating. Really Devastating- War on humanity, news from the Front: Vaxadoodlebugs are killing more people than they save. Far more.

    Data From The UK Government Is Devastating. Really Devastating- War on humanity, news from the Front: Vaxadoodlebugs are killing more people than they save. Far more.

    New UK Government Data Shows The COVID Vaccines Kill More People Than They Save

    We’ve been asking everyone: Show me the all-cause mortality data proving the vaccines are safe. I finally got some data. It’s from the UK government and it’s devastating. REALLY devastating.


    New UK government data allows us to analyze the data in a way we couldn’t before. This new analysis shows clearly that the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save for all age groups. In other words, they shouldn’t be used by anyone. The younger you are, the less sense it makes.

    Anyone can validate the data and methodology. The results make it clear that the COVID vaccines should be halted immediately.

    If the vaccines really work, then why hasn’t any government anywhere in the world produced a proper risk-benefit analysis that shows the opposite result?

    If the vaccines work, then why do all the lines in Figure 6 below show that Dose 1 and Dose 2 of the vaccines kill more people than they save?

    Not a single public health authority in any country will have a conversation with us on the record to justify their vaccine recommendations by producing an all-cause risk benefit analysis similar to what I computed here. I wonder why?

    What The Data Shows

    Here’s the result of the analysis comparing unvaxxed vs. 2 doses given at least 6 months ago. I believe this analysis is conservative and the actual numbers are worse than this due to the seasonal variation of the all-cause mortality.

    Figure 1. Risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill more people than they save.

    A value of 15 means we kill 15 people from the vaccine to save 1 life from COVID. This is from the Exec Summary tab of the spreadsheet.

    The data showed that for most age ranges, the vaccine reduced your chance of dying from COVID, but it increased your chances of dying from other causes. The former effect was smaller than the latter effect so the vaccines are nonsensical.

    For example, if you are 25 years old, the vaccine kills 15 people for every person it saves from dying from COVID. Below 80, the younger you are, the more nonsensical vaccination is.

    The cells in Figure 1 with a * means that the vaccinated had more COVID deaths than the unvaccinated. This is known as “negative vaccine efficacy.” This wasn’t surprising since we’ve been claiming that the vaccines damage your immune system.

    Above 80, the UK data was too confounded to be useful. Until we have that data, it’s irresponsible to make a recommendation.

    I describe below how you can compute this yourself from the UK data.

    Please share this result on all your social media platforms. One user got 10,000 likes in less than 24 hours on Twitter and he had only 2,000 followers. So Twitter permanently suspended his account. So probably not a good idea to share on Twitter. According to Twitter, “health officials consider the COVID-19 vaccines safe for most people” and therefore any UK government data that shows that they are lying is a violation of Twitter Community Standards.


    One of my friends recently sent me a link to the mortality data from the UK government Office of National Statistics from January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022. I had not seen this data before so I analyzed it.

    What I found when I analyzed the data was absolutely stunning because it was consistent with the VAERS risk-benefit analysis by age that I had done in November, 2021.

    The Proper Way To Do A Risk-Benefit Analysis

    To show the vaccines are a beneficial intervention, you’d ideally want to do a randomized trial. We did that and the results showed 7 excess deaths for the single life we saved from COVID. More about that later. But the numbers we too small to be confident they weren’t statistical noise.

    Since the trials are now all unblinded, we need to see is a retrospective study of matched individuals with 100,000 in each group selected on December 1, 2020 before the vaccines rolled out to the public.

    One group goes the full vax route. The other group shuns the vax entirely.

    We then look at the number of COVID vs. non-COVID deaths in each group and compute the risk-benefit analysis as we did earlier. Since each group is nearly identically matched except for the intervention, the comparison is fair.

    That’s what we want to see.

    What we get in the UK ONS data is something completely different (as we will explain below) and there is no clear way to repurpose that data for our study.

    Where To Get The UK Government Source Data

    The government data is archived here. You want to open the spreadsheet, and look at the spreadsheet tab labeled Table 6.

    In either case, you click the green button labeled “xlsx” to get the spreadsheet, then go to tab “Table 6”:

    Note: The data is from England only, not all of the UK. On top of that, it is based on people in England who were both a) registered in the 2011 UK census and b) registered with a GP in 2019.

    Where To Get My Analysis Of The Data

    This makes it easier to see what is going on. You can see all the original data and my formulas for calculating the ACM ratios and risk benefit analysis on the Table 6 tab.

    It is all in plain sight for everyone to see. I then copied values to the Summary and Exec Summary tabs from the Table 6 tab.

    Interpreting The Data

    Here’s what the data looks like in Table 6:

    Table 6 example from the ONS table

    The definitions of each row is in the Definitions tab of the spreadsheet.

    In summary, they track people as they spend time in each row based on their new status. So a triple vaccinated person who was vaccinated more than 21 days ago will spend time in every row except possibly the “Second dose, at least 6 months ago” which they would be able to skip if they got boosted before the 6 month waiting period. So if they waited 7 months before getting boosted, they’d only spend a month in that category. If people decided they weren’t high risk enough to get boosted, they’d accumulate time in the 2nd, 6+ category.

    So that means if the vaccines are as deadly as we claim, the benefits of the vaccine against COVID will be minimal in the <21 days ago category and the ACM elevation over the unvaxxed should be the highest there. In short, the <21 days is the category where we should see the strongest risk-benefit signal so if you were an evil anti-vaxxer, this would clearly be the row you’d want to cherry pick to prove your point.

    Conversely, if you were cherry picking for data to support your evil anti-vaxxer mission, the very last place you’d expect to find a strong signal is 6 months after the second dose since most of the people killed by the vaccine were killed in the 30 days after the shot as you can see from this graph from openvaers:

    Furthermore, the non-COVID ACM in the unvaxxed group is going to be very high (since it peaks in Q1 when most people were contributing time in that group); that’s going to work against you. And as far as effectiveness, we all know these vaccines do wane over time, so there is still going to be a lot of protection left at that point.

    So for the 2nd dose, 6m+ group, we have:

    1. Low likelihood of death from the vaccine
    2. ACM for the vaxxed will be naturally lower due to seasonality (lowest in Q3)
    3. High ACM for the unvaxxed (which peaks in Q1)
    4. Degraded, though still impressive protection from the vaccine at that point

    In short, all four of these major factors works against you if you are an evil anti-vaxxer. It would be absolutely the worst row to examine to prove your point. It’s much more likely to show the vaccines are effective.

    Which means if you can show there is a strong signal against the vaccines on this row, that’s really powerful since this has to be the row with the weakest case against the vaccines.

    So this is exactly what we are going to do here: prove using the UK data that there is a very strong danger signal in the hardest place to find it.

    The Quality Of The Data

    The data quality here is strongly biased in favor of making the vaccine look effective.

    They are massively underestimating the proportion who are unvaccinated and they are putting ludicrous faith in the accuracy of the NIMs and GP records. Fenton and his team have written extensively about the problems with miscategorization in the ONS data and missing vaccination deaths.

    The other huge problem with the data is that it shows that if you died, the % of COVID related deaths ranged from 10% in the very young to over 40% in the elderly if you were not vaccinated. That’s impossibly high. In 2020 in the US when everyone wasn’t vaccinated, the % of COVID deaths was 15%. The numbers in the ONS database just don’t make sense.

    The data is not available for researchers to use freely; you have to tell the ONS up front what your study is about before you are allowed to look at the data and they have to approve any publication you want to make. So if you find something bad, you can’t talk about it. This isn’t government transparency. It is the opposite.

    The ONS data and reports are produced by a team led by Vahé Nafilyan and Charlotte Bermingham. They are the lead authors on this March 23, 2022 paper which claims that it was COVID (and not the vaccines) that was causing cardio problems in young people. Here’s what they wrote:

    There was a decrease in the risk of all-cause death in the first week after vaccination and no change in each of weeks 2 to 6 after vaccination or whole six-week period after vaccination. Subgroup analyses by sex, age, vaccine type, and last dose also showed no change in the risk of death in the first six weeks after vaccination

    There is no way that can be right because it doesn’t match any reality I’ve ever seen. So this is yet another example that the ONS data is HIGHLY skewed to be favorable for the vaccine.

    What this means is that it should be nearly impossible to find anything negative in the data, even if you were cherry picking because according to the authors the vaccine is perfectly safe and is massively effective.

    You’d normally then look in the place most favorable to support an anti-vaxx hypothesis.

    So it is stunning that in the last place anyone expected to find a signal, we find a very strong signal. Here, we found it across every age group under 80 without exception. That cannot happen by chance. We picked the exact same row for each age group and we picked the worst possible row. You cannot explain that away no matter how hard you try. It should have strongly favored the vaccine as safe and effective, yet we found exactly the opposite. That’s stunning.

    Does the COVID Jab Kill More People Than It Saves?

    Also, the Substack article, All-Cause Mortality by Vaccination Status, is excellent and provides a wide range of charts that are particularly illuminating showing visually that the the vaccines are not as safe as people claim. Just look at the black link here which is the unvaccinated.

    Lines above the 1x line are cohorts where the vaccine is nonsensical. In short, over time, it becomes more and more obvious that the vaccines are a disaster.

    Figure 6. Only at the start of the data collection period did the numbers look favorable for the vaccine. They all turn negative over time for Doses 1 and 2 over time meaning the vaccines are nonsensical. No cherry picking required. You can see it visually. Source: All-Cause Mortality by Vaccination Status

    The article concludes:

    This data is all very alarming. A poorly functioning vaccine should still have at least a small positive effect. A non-functioning vaccine should have no effect. Yet we see a negative effect in all age groups for both 1 or 2 doses taken ‘at least 21 days ago’, and it is most cases the negative effect is quite large. The fact that the pattern is consistent and predictable, meaning it moves smoothly from month to month and age bracket to age bracket, gives even more credibility to the pattern.

    It’s a great read.


    I compared the all-cause mortality (ACM) for people who got 2 shots at least 6 months ago with the unvaccinated since this was the row that would be the most difficult to show an anti-vaxx signal.

    Our goal in this analysis was not to get definitive numbers. We describe later the proper way to do a risk-benefit analysis. Our goal was to show that the vaccines are dangerous even if you look at a row that is least likely to make your point.

    Summary Of The Data

    This summary below (which I put on the Summary tab which is to the right of the Table 6 tab) shows the rates of all-cause mortality per 100,000 person-years for each age range and also shows the risk benefit ratio.

    Figure 2. A summary of the calculations from the UK data. This is shown in the Summary tab of my spreadsheet.

    Here’s the legend for each column:

    1. A: age range for the row
    2. B: ACM rate for unvaxxed
    3. C: ACM rate for vaxxed
    4. D: Risk benefit calculation which is # non-COVID lives lost due to the vaccine / # of COVID lives saved from the vaccine. This is the single best metric for justifying the use of an intervention. The larger this number is, the less sense the intervention makes. A value >1 means the intervention should never be used. The cells with * means that the vaccine actually caused more COVID cases to happen than the unvaccinated. Note: you need to view the full spreadsheet to see the data used to calculate this number. You cannot do it from the summary data on this screen.
    5. E: ACM of vaxxed/ACM unvaxed, i.e., Column C/ Column
      B. A value >1 means the intervention should never be used since it is costing lives. This is a crude measure of the effectiveness of an intervention as we explain below.
    6. F: % of ACM deaths due to COVID, i.e., the fraction of all the ACM deaths that were caused by COVID.

    The data clearly shows that any mortality benefit you get from taking the vaccine and lowering your risk of death from COVID is more than offset by the mortality you lose from the vaccine itself. This isn’t new. It is something I have been saying since May, 2021. But now I finally found direct government data where I could demonstrate this for all ages under 80.

    In The Pfizer Phase 3 Trial, There Was A 40% Increase In ACM In The Vaccinated Group. They Killed An Estimated 7 People For Every Person They Saved From COVID!

    In the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, there were a total of 21 deaths in the vaccine group and 15 deaths in the placebo group.

    This 40% increase in the all-cause mortality in the trial (21/15=1.4) was of course dismissed as not statistically significant. While that is true, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pay attention to the number.

    But now, based on the UK data, we know that the result in the Phase 3 trial wasn’t a statistical fluke. Not at all.

    In fact, if we look at the risk benefit, we see that we saved 1 life from dying from COVID (1 COVID death in the treatment group vs. 2 COVID deaths in the placebo group= 1 life saved), but there were 7 excess non-COVID deaths (20 – 13).

    So the Pfizer trial showed that for every person we saved from COVID, we killed 7 people. However the numbers were too small to place a high confidence in this point estimate.

    However, I’d argue that Pfizer trial was a best case because:

    1. The trial enrolled abnormally healthy people who died at a 10X lower rate than the population (there is a 1% US average death rate per year, yet there were just 15 deaths in the 22,000 placebo arm in 6 months which is a .1% death rate)
    2. They were able to get rid of anyone who had a reaction to the first dose without counting them

    The most important point though is that the Pfizer trial killed: save ratio of 7:1 and the ACM ratio of 1.4 is consistent with the hypothesis that the vaccine kills more people than it saves.

    My ACM Risk/Benefit Estimate Using VAERS

    This is from a risk/benefit computation I did on November 1, 2021 using the VAERS data to compute the ratio of the # of people killed from the vaccine (V) to the # of people who might be saved from COVID (C) if they took the vaccine and it had 90% effectiveness over 6 months (since we knew it waned over time and variants would change). Of course that was a conservative estimate of the benefit, but that’s because I wanted to make sure I was on solid ground if attacked.

    So now we know that my VAERS calculations approximately match the actual UK data in Figure 1. Since my analysis was deliberately conservative, many of the numbers are smaller than the actuals.

    This is another example that people who claim (without evidence) that the VAERS data is too “unreliable to use” are wrong. If it is so unreliable, how did it match the real world UK results so well?

    Figure 3: Risk-benefit analysis from VAERS

    Note how that VAERS showed exactly the same effect back then that we just learned from this UK data: that the younger you are, the more nonsensical getting vaccinated is.

    Our V:C column decreases as you get older (from 6:1 down to 1.8:1) just like column E decreases (from 1.9:1 to 1:1 over the same range) in Figure 2.

    Isn’t that an interesting “coincidence”? They are within a factor of 3 of each other.

    Confirmation From Others

    I’m hardly the only person noting that the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save. Other articles show either no benefit at all or a negative benefit.

    For example, check out:

    1. 99.6% of COVID deaths in Canada were among fully vaccinated people between April 10-17 which can only happen if the vaccinated have a great ACM than the unvaccinated since there is only an 86% vaccination rate in Canada. This is hard for anyone to explain.
    2. Fully Vaccinated 6x Higher Overall Mortality Than Non-Vaccinated (October 30, 2021)
    3. Follow-up of trial participants found ‘no effect on overall mortality’

    Figure 4. Table from the Denmark paper published as a preprint in the Lancet

    1. Horowitz: The failure of the mRNA shots is on display for all with open eyes

    Note that the Denmark paper (pre-published in the Lancet) showed overall zero all-cause mortality benefit based on clinical trial data. That’s certainly more optimistic than the UK numbers, but the problem for the vaccine makers is that the UK numbers showed up to 38% of the deaths were from COVID so if the vaccines actually worked and were safe, you’d see a huge ACM benefit and you saw nothing.

    Why are we mandating a vaccine with a zero ACM benefit?? No public health official wants to answer questions about that.

    What Makes This Analysis Different Than Previous Work

    The UK ONS data is more detailed than in the more frequently cited UK Health Security Agency summaries. It contains both COVID and non-COVID deaths by age. We haven’t had that before February 2022.

    This enables me to validate the data as I explain in the next section.

    Why I Picked The 2nd Dose, 6 Month Row Only

    There are three reasons I picked the 2nd dose, 6 month row for the comparison with the unvaccinated:

    1. It is the hardest row to make a case since most vax deaths happen within 30 days after the vaccine. So if I can prove the vaccine is dangerous for this row, it’s simply stunning. You don’t expect any excess non-COVID ACM deaths from people 6 months from their last dose of the vaccine.
    2. The data in this row consistently met a very simple sanity test which allows for a fair comparison (described below)
    3. The vaccines were still effective in preventing COVID deaths in this row, e.g., for age 50-54 there was still a 50% efficacy in reducing COVID deaths which is in line with assertions by the government about effectiveness (64 COVID deaths rate delta for the vaccinated vs. 127 COVID death rate for the unvaxxed).

    So nobody can really accuse me of “cheating.” This is the most difficult row to make a my case.

    One commenter speculated anyone in this bucket must be sickly which explains the higher non-COVID ACM. That’s wrong. Anyone sickly wouldn’t have even made it into the bucket. They would have been killed by COVID or the 2 doses long before entering the 6 months from COVID shot bucket. If they made it into this bucket, these people are super healthy.

    The Sanity Test

    The all-cause mortality (ACM) rates for NON-COVID deaths in the vaxxed cohorts should be the same as the rates for the unvaccinated for a perfectly safe vaccine; it should be higher for sure for this vaccine as we know from VAERS; we have over 10 ways showing that this vaccine significantly INCREASES your non-COVID ACM.

    Note that a number of people claim that Professor Christine Stabell Benn has said that vaccine can positively affect your ACM. While this might be true theoretically for a perfect vaccine, nobody I know has pointed me to any real-life vaccine that has this “fountain of youth” property for anything other than the disease the vaccine was designed for. Bobby Kennedy Jr. tried for 20 years to get a debate on this and nobody would challenge him. In particular, all the COVID vaccines share the same problems of increasing ACM. You can see it very clearly yourself in Figure 6 above. All ages, doses 1 and 2. The ACMs are all worse.

    Therefore, anytime that non-COVID ACM is lower for the vaccinated than the unvaccinated in a given age cohort, the row is unreliable (either corrupt or seriously confounded, e.g., by season). Others noticed this as well; without being able to adjust the data, we get nonsense results. Adjusting for bias is a huge task and would be subject to “data manipulation” attacks which would open up another level of attack. So we resigned our analysis to using data we didn’t have to normalize. The 2nd dose, 6 month row fit our purposes.

    If I ignored the sanity check and include all the data for the vaccinated in the UK report, then the vaccines are marvelous life savers but ONLY if you are 25 years old or older. The vaccine will keep you from dying from cancer, car accidents, etc. especially if you are elderly. It’s like a fountain of youth for the elderly if you do that. Which doesn’t jive at all with reality where funeral home directors like John O’Looney couldn’t believe how many calls he was getting of elderly that had died when the jabs rolled out. The point is simple: Garbage data in, garbage data out.

    Here’s a more in-depth explanation of the confounding due to survivor bias which explains why these data sets are not constructed for our purposes.

    Could my sanity check be wrong because the vaccine is actually able to keep you from dying from all diseases and also accidents as well? Very unlikely. VAERS would be empty if this drug reduced adverse events and doctors would report elderly people being cured of disease. Instead of adverse event reports, doctors would be filing Beneficial Event Reports (BER) after vaccination.

    I’ve written about this supposed “fountain of youth” effect on November 12, 2021.

    The bottom line is data analysis is tricky so sanity checks are important if you want credible results.

    Should Those Over 80 Get The Shot?

    My VAERS analysis said no.

    The anecdotal data from nursing homes from whistleblowers all says no (see slides 53 to 59). This includes Abrien Aguirre on Oahu, Sunnycrest nursing home in Canada, and John O’Looney’s experience, and experience from embalmers where most of the bodies being embalmed have telltale blood clots caused by the vaccine.

    Based on curve fitting, it doesn’t look good for the elderly, for either.

    The UK dataset used in this article was too confounded to use since the non-COVID ACM rate for the vaccinated was lower than the vaccinated so it didn’t meet the sanity check.

    All the anecdotal data I hear is strongly negative. The ONS data shows the COVID vaccines are a fountain of youth and will cut your risk of dying from every cause in half.

    If I was over 80, I wouldn’t get the shot until I saw reliable, self-consistent data showing a clear benefit from multiple independent sources. Seen any of that lately?

    If I Am Vaccinated, Should I Continue To Get My Boosters, Or Not?

    Consider that 75% of the people in the radiology department of Marin/UCSF got religious exemptions so they didn’t have to take the booster.

    Does that help? They aren’t reading ONS data. They are seeing patients with 1, 2, and 3 doses of the vaccine.

    We see over and over that each shot increases your risk of side-effects and death.

    It’s like asking the question: “The first bullet I fired into my brain didn’t kill me. Should I try again?”

    ACM Ratio Vs. Risk/Benefit Analysis

    Now that we have the basics out of the way, I want to explain in greater detail the difference between the ACM ratio and the risk/benefit number and why the latter is what we should be focusing on.

    For example, Toby Rogers estimated that we kill 117 kids from the COVID vaccine for every child we might save from dying of COVID in the 5 to 11 age range.

    Here, in an even older cohort (10 to 14), we found it is 1600 to 1. The problem with this young age range is that there are so few deaths, that there is a lot of statistical noise since the denominator is so small (close to 0). But the UK data clearly showed that vaccinating kids younger than 20 years old is insane. Arguing whether it is 117 or 1600 is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Just say “no.”

    Here’s a simple example to illustrate the difference between the ACM ratio and the risk benefit analysis:

    1. Suppose 100 people per 100,000 die per year normally in a particular age group.
    2. We have a vaccine that saves 1 life per person, but kills 10. That’s a lousy intervention because it kills 10 times more people than it saves.
    3. But if we compare the ACM rates of the two groups, we’d have 100 in the unvaccinated group and 109 dead people in the vaccinated group. So the ACM ratio would only be 1.1, a 10% increase. But the risk/benefit is 10:1 more risk than benefit.

    So that’s why the risk-benefit ratio is the number to look at, not the ratio of the ACMs of each group.

    Attempts To Debunk This

    Daniel Wilson, aka “Debunk the Funk,” cited Morris’s article (UK death data artifacts: “Stragglers” who delay vaccine doses a select group with higher death risk) when I asked him to debunk this article. No other explanation provided.

    Morris claims that people who vaccinate late have higher death rates.

    First of all, I wasn’t impressed with Morris’ analysis, but even I believed it, it’s completely irrelevant because the category I chose weren’t “stragglers” (since the biggest contributors got their second dose long long ago) and as I noted earlier, it is the single hardest row to see a signal. These people survived COVID and survived two shots so their ACM should be way lower than the average unvaccinated person. Basically, people in this category got shot early with two bullets and are still alive.

    So much for the hand-waving debunk attempt.

    My result is very consistent with other reliable independent data points that I know. If you want to debunk me, show us how, using exactly the same dataset, you can get a more accurate estimate of the “true” value. I’m skeptical anyone can do that, but I’m open to being shown a better way.

    It turns out Table 6 wasn’t the best table to have used.

    Take a look at Figure 6 above. After a startup period, the data all settles out and all dose 1 and dose 2 curves show higher ACM than the unvaccinated. No cherry picking or sanity test needed. A raw, untouched data.

    So that’s an independent look at the data showing very visually that “whoops, these vaccines are killing more people than they save.”

    You Can Do Worse Than This Analysis; That’s Easy

    For example, this table from Morris’ article is from the UK dataset as well, and it indicates you are way better off if you got the vax.

    Figure 5. Table from Morris article

    The problem is death rates that are as low as 20% of the unvaxed death rate (as noted in this table) doesn’t match reality such as the up to 21X increase athlete deaths (Jan 2021 vs Jan 2022) that we can see in plain sight. Nobody has been able to explain away the athlete data, not even Professor Glen Pyle. While government data can be manipulated, athlete deaths cannot be manipulated because they are public. Which do you trust more? Clearly, the data that is in full public view.

    Also, in Table 3 of the UK data, it says if you’ve been vaccinated with COVID, you have close to half of the non-COVID ACM death rate as the unvaccinated (compare E23 with E31).

    In other words, according to UK government data, the vaccine is a fountain of youth because it will reduce your non-COVID ACM by a factor of 2. It’s just not believable. There is no mechanism of action that can do that and you’d expect the VAERS reports (and individual doctor reports) would all be lower than previous vaccines in all categories rather than off the charts.

    Furthermore, if the COVID vaccines reduced non-COVID ACM by 2X, the government would be shouting this from the rooftops as a miracle cure for all diseases. They aren’t. They are silent. What does that tell you? It tells you the UK government is smart enough to realize the data is confounded and you can’t make such assessments: you can’t say it is safe, and you can’t say it is dangerous.

    Figure 5 above is also inconsistent with Canada’s high rate of fully vaccinated deaths, the huge number of VAERS reports, reports by individual doctors of 100X or more increase in adverse events after vaccination, Facebook groups with hundred of thousands of vaccine victims, the huge spike in athlete deaths, the 75% of radiologists at UCSF/Marin who refused the booster, etc.


    Here are some limitations of using the UK data courtesy of Martin Kulldorff, the most important one being the first one.

    Does this cause me to doubt the results? No. I specifically chose the row I did to minimize these confounders. These limitations mean my results are conservative (because the seasonality skew of the vaccinated increases their non-COVID ACM). We also have way too many real-world confirmation points that could not be explained if the vaccine were beneficial.

    1. Seasonality: In England, all-cause mortality is highly seasonal, as is COVID mortality as well as COVID vaccinations. This creates a bias in the analysis. There is much more unvaccinated person time during the early part of 2021, while there is much more D2 6+ month person time in the later parts of 2021 and January 2022. To adjust for this bias, in whichever direction it goes, it is necessary to adjust for calendar time. Depending on the data, that can be done in different ways. Note that this bias affects the results differently for different age groups, both because the rollout of the vaccine varied by age group and because the seasonal mortality patterns may differ by age.
    2. Negative efficacy on COVID:  The negative efficacy on COVID mortality in the 30-34 and 40-44 age groups (the * rows) may seem counter intuitive, but there is a likely explanation. The same phenomena was seen an a recent New York State analysis of COVID vaccines in children. In that study, the vaccine was effective at preventing symptomatic COVID during the first few weeks after vaccination, but for 5-11 year old children, the efficacy we negative after seven weeks, so that there were more COVID in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. The likely explanation for this is that the vaccine provides temporary protection during the first few weeks, so after 7 weeks we are comparing unvaccinated children with a high proportion of natural immunity from having had COVID with vaccinated children with a lower proportion with natural immunity.  This phenomenon will be seen with any vaccine that only gives short-term protection, and it could potentially also affect COVID mortality statistics. Suppose that the vaccine does not prevent COVID deaths, but just postpone them until a later date. Then there may be a vaccine benefit seen 0-6 months after vaccination, but a vaccine harm 6-12 months after vaccination. When Pfizer and Moderna only evaluated the vaccines for a few months, that give incomplete and potentially misleading information about the efficacy of the vaccines. The same is true if we only look at a subsequent tie interval of e.g. 6-12 month after the vaccination. There are ways to overcome this issue, but I am not sufficiently familiar with the English data to know if it can be extracted from that.
    3. Prior COVID infection: The unvaccinated group consists of two sub-groups,(i) those who have recovered from COVID and who hence have natural immunity to COVID, which is superior to vaccine induced immunity, and (ii) those who have never had COVID. People with natural immunity have minuscule if any benefit from the vaccine on COVID disease and should not be vaccinated. To determine whether those without a prior COVID infection benefit from vaccination, it is necessary to compare the vaccinated without a prior COVID infection with the unvaccinated without a prior COVID infection.
    4. Risk metrics: Although both are worth calculating, I agree that risk/benefit is a more relevant number of vaccine efficacy than vax/unvax ACM rates. The best metrics to evaluate the vaccines is not a risk ratio though, but attributable risk. That is, for every 1,000 people who get the vaccine, or for every 1,000,000, how many deaths are prevented by the vaccine or how many deaths are caused by the vaccine.

    Could The Underlying UK Data Be Wrong?

    There are always going to be studies that contradict other studies.

    There are always going to be compromised data sources, the DMED data being another recent example.

    There are always going to be seemingly credible sources of data that are not as credible as they seem at first glance.

    So yeah, as I noted in the section above, the ONS data provided was less than ideal.

    Our job is to sort out the reliable data from the unreliable data. We do that by using multiple pieces of independent evidence from credible sources and doing sanity checks on the data we use.

    My results agreed with other data I’m aware of so I’m reasonably happy with the quality of the data, e.g., the risk/benefit went down with increasing age in a way that matched my expectations.

    “Show Me The DATA”

    All my analysis here serves one purpose which is to highlight the point that you can make a very legitimate case that these vaccines do nothing and at worse, make things worse. I’m hardly alone in this belief. Showing us different rows in the ONS data shows a different result, but doesn’t cause the red flag to disappear.

    The only way you can trump the red flag I pointed out is to do a PROPER analysis.

    Remember the movie Jerry Maguire where Rod Tidwell advises Jerry that to keep him as a client all Jerry has to do is “Show me the money!”?

    We should all be asking the same thing of the CDC but instead of money, we should be asking them to “Show me the DATA!”

    Why isn’t the CDC showing us the ACM study that we need? Namely:

    We want to see two matched groups, one who took the intervention, the other that didn’t, and see who is standing at the end of the 1 year period.

    Where is that study? The data exists.

    There is a reason the proper study does not exist. Because it would make it clear to everyone that nobody should get jabbed.

    Without seeing that study and the underlying data, nobody of any age should get the jab or recommend it.

    I’ll go even further and say:

    1. It is irresponsible for the CDC to keep that data hidden from public view.
    2. It’s irresponsible for the medical community to not demand to see this data.
    3. It’s irresponsible for the medical community to encourage anyone to get vaccinated without seeing this data especially in light of the alarming data in VAERS and other sources.


    Based on this new UK government data, we can estimate a true risk-benefit ratio for each age group. For all groups, it’s negative. The younger you are, the less sense it makes to take the vaccine. Figure 6 is a visual way to see this. All the dose 1 and 2 curves are above the unvaccinated line.

    It shows clearly that our governments have been publicly killing us with these vaccines and vaccine mandates.

    The data was used is fully reported data right from the UK government and the math is straightforward. The row I used was not normalized or manipulated. It was the hardest row to prove my point. The only way to explain the results is that the vaccines kill more people than they save. But you can also look at Figure 6 too.

    At a minimum, this result should cast serious doubt about the safe and effective narrative. I took a dataset that was clearly biased to show a positive vaccine result and found a hugely negative signal hidden inside by selecting data that should have shown the opposite. No tricks were used. That shouldn’t have been possible if the vaccine was really safe.

    We need to see a proper analysis on the data and we need to see it now.

    The medical community has never demanded to see a proper risk-benefit study before recommending the vaccines. To this day, they continue to this day to keep their head in the sand and not demand to see the ACM data. It’s deplorable.

    Until we see the data and the study and validate both showing the vaccines are safe and effective, the vaccines should not be used.

  • ‘Womxn’ – ‘Michelle Obama trampling women’s rights’ …. The spin-meisters keep rollin’ on …. More than meets the eye ….

    ‘Womxn’ – ‘Michelle Obama trampling women’s rights’ …. The spin-meisters keep rollin’ on …. More than meets the eye ….

    TALK about missing the mark …. oh boy …. oh girl!

    ON its face, the premise coming out of Sky News Australia is sound. In other words, the obsessive, PC orthodoxy screeching from so-called feminist quarters harm women in ways in which the biggest misogynists could never accomplish. Dream.

    IN fact, by demanding that biology is anything (and everything) this one and that one conjures up, well, the wonders of womanhood are as disposable as soiled feminine hygiene products. You got that?  Ditto manhood. As a consequence (and outgrowth) to said PC mania, many of the inherently bio-driven male traits — which are so attractive to hetero women — are not only tossed aside but castrated, if you will. Indeed, the traditional family is torn asunder — and that’s the goal.

    AS per the reference to “missing the mark”, it is a wild understatement. Actually, let’s be perfectly blunt: the highlighting of Michelle Obama, in reference to the made-up term ‘Womxn’, is as*s-backwards. Outed.

    FOR in reality, the former First “Lady”, a he-she, should be Exhibit Number One as to the insanity which passes for normalcy, in all its upside down madness.

    SAY what you will, but the following is not a conspiracy theory. Wish it were. But the fact is that the below truths are why the “Down Low” POTUS got together with “wifey” in the first place! Birds of a “bent” feather.

    HERE it comes …. like it or not!

    Michelle Obama was born a man

    Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964.

    He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. He was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers. After finishing a respectable rookie season with 88 tackles and 7.5 sacks, he suddenly dropped out of the school.

    Fellow teammates observed that Robinson could regularly be heard lamenting over how he is a “woman trapped inside a man’s body”, and on January 13th, 1983, he underwent sex reassignment surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. To hide the shame of his new identity, Michael left Oregon State to attend Princeton University under his new legal name, “Michelle Robinson”. Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr. a Kenyan immigrant who later became aware of Michelle’s ‘true’ identity. They subsequently married and adopted two children.”

  • When A Disaster Strikes An Urban area, There Are All Sorts Of Unexpected Problems That Require Specific Tools: 9 Urban Survival Tools To Get Before The SHTF

    When A Disaster Strikes An Urban area, There Are All Sorts Of Unexpected Problems That Require Specific Tools: 9 Urban Survival Tools To Get Before The SHTF

    When a disaster strikes an urban area, there are all sorts of unexpected problems that require specific tools. For example, what if a gas line breaks and your home starts filling up with dangerous, flammable gases? You’ll need a gas shutoff tool in order to turn the gas valve.

    Or what if someone is trapped under debris in a locked room? You’ll need a prybar or a sledgehammer to get through the door and reach them. Or what if you need lifesaving medicine that is behind lock and key in an abandoned pharmacy? You’ll need a lockpick to get inside.

    That’s just a couple examples of tools you might need to survive an urban disaster. If you live in the city, you’d be wise to get these tools ahead of time so you’ll have them when you need them. Here are nine urban survival tools to get before it’s too late.

    1. Lockpick Kit

    Lock Pick Kit

    Both during and after a major disaster, your survival may depend on your ability to access certain buildings. While looting or breaking into occupied buildings is never advisable – both for moral reasons and the simple fact that you may end getting shot – the reality is that many buildings are going to be abandoned when a disaster strikes.

    Having a lockpick kit and knowing how to use it means these building and the supplies within them will always be accessible to you. Those supplies may be crucial to both help you survive a disaster and help you rebuild after it’s over.

    2. Rescue Card

    Rescue Card

    A rescue card is a multi-purpose tool that is as slim as a credit card and designed to be easily stored inside your purse or wallet. This tool includes things such as a blade, a wrench, nine feet of paracord, a screwdriver, a can opener, and more.

    You never know when you might need one of these tools during and after a disaster, and carrying a rescue card with you means you’ll always have them no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

    3. Entrenching Tool

    Konnex Tool

    An entrenching tool is a special kind of shovel that is designed to be incredibly compact as well as incredibly versatile thanks to its extra features which you won’t find on an ordinary shovel. These features include things such as a saw blade, a screwdriver, the ability to flip the shovel head to turn it into a gardening hoe, and more.

    Rebuilding after a disaster often requires a great deal of dirty work, and an entrenching tool enables you to complete many of these jobs using just one multi-purpose tool.

    4. Power Bank/Jump Starter

    Power Bank Tool

    No matter what type of disaster you’re facing, a scarcity of electrical power is almost certainly going to be one of the consequences. You can use a generator to power your home, but having a power bank means you’ll be able to charge essential items on the go as well.

    If you purchase a power bank that also doubles as a jump starter, you’ll be able to jump-start your own vehicle, jump-start a vehicle for someone else, or jump-start a vehicle that you find abandoned on the side of the road. It’s a useful ability that could prove to be lifesaving both during and after a disaster.

    5. Auto Bailout Tool

    An auto bailout tool is a great tool to keep on your person regardless of whether you’re preparing for a disaster. If you get in a bad wreck, having the ability to cut your seatbelt and break the glass of your window or windshield may be the only way for you to escape the wreckage if no help comes in time.

    An auto bailout tool also has an emergency whistle to help you signal for help once you’ve escaped. Since the likelihood of having a wreck goes up dramatically during the chaos of a major disaster and the likelihood that someone will be able to help you goes down dramatically as well, it’s important that you have a tool that will enable you to take care of yourself after an accident.

    6. Multibit Screwdriver

    Multibit Screwdriver

    Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was built using the same type of screw, allowing you to repair, assemble, and disassemble most anything using a single screwdriver? Since this isn’t the reality, and there are dozens of different types of screw heads, the best thing you can do is purchase a multibit screwdriver that enables you to work with each one.

    With a multibit screwdriver, you’ll be able to store every commonly used screwdriver bit within the tool’s handle. As you go about making repairs after a disaster, this may end up being the tool you turn to more than any other.

    7. Demolition Tool

    Demolition Tool

    Often times, demolition plays an important role in rebuilding. Of course, tearing through wood, concrete, steel, and glass is easier said than done, so you’ll want to have the right tool for the job.

    A demolition tool is a multipurpose tool that combines things such as an ax, a sledgehammer, and a prybar into a single tool. It’s the ultimate instrument of demolition, enabling you to do things such as tear through wreckage to free someone, break into an abandoned building, and much more.

    8. Gas/Water Shutoff Tool

    Gas/Water Shutoff Tool

    A major disaster can make a wreck of the plumbing in your home, flooding your home with water and/or filling it with dangerous gases. Therefore, one of the first things that you should do if a disaster destroys your home’s plumbing it to shut off the water and gas.

    To do this, you’ll need a gas/water shutoff tool. Shutting off the water or gas to your home isn’t exactly easy, but with the right tool, it can be done quickly.

    9. Tread Bracelet

    Tread Bracelet

    A tread bracelet turns some of the most useful tools into a fashion accessory that you can wear at all times, ensuring you will have the tools you need no matter where you go.

    By combining various screwdriver heads into a bracelet, a tread bracelet enables you to essentially wear a multi-bit screwdriver on your wrist. Best of all, it looks great, and chances are that no one will ever even realize that your bracelet is, in fact, a very useful tool.

  • The Next Economic Decline Can Either Match Or Surpass That Of The Great Depression- The Best Great Depression Foods to Learn And Remember For Being A Better Prepper

    The Next Economic Decline Can Either Match Or Surpass That Of The Great Depression- The Best Great Depression Foods to Learn And Remember For Being A Better Prepper

    For the Americans, the time of Great Depression is unforgettable. It was the nation’s most serious economic tragedy during the time of modern history. The biggest misfortune was the fact that the nation’s working class had the full burden of it squarely on their shoulders due to which they wrestled badly for their survival during this most difficult period. The following great depression foods helped them survive when nothing else was available.

    Indeed but sadly, many could not survive while all suffered. Each American life was shaken up completely by this tragedy in different ways. The Great Depression forced the affluent empire to bend on its knees. Not only money and industries but also the food resources waned almost overnight. This marked the worst time for all Americans.

    Will This Worst Time Strike Back?

    In reality, the likelihood of such a tragedy shaking the country again is certainly not as low as you may forecast or envision. Certainly, there are new poises and checks acting as safety measures to prevent the nation’s stock market from crashing quickly. However, no one can deny the fact that the economy was badly shaken in 2008 and was sinking again through what was termed as the Great Recession.

    The next economic decline can either match or surpass that of The Great Depression. It is a fact that history usually repeats itself. This is where the famous quote of Edmond Burke should be recalled, which says that those who are unfamiliar with the history are destined to repeat it.

    So, How Do We Prepare for Survival if Such Period Turns Up in Future?

    It is actually simple! All you need to do is learn from the survivalists or survival techniques of the past to become a smart prepper. The most reliable way to keep the past suffering at bay is to learn from the experiences and mistakes of our ancestors and hone them to prepare ourselves for a more challenging time, which is yet to come.

    It is hard to believe that the big authorities did not actually learn from the past. The lessons of the past were somehow ignored. Well, the good news is that each American still has time to become a better prepper.

    One of the most challenging but must-have skills of such a prepper is to arrange for food. It is truly a challenge to ask your kids to eat a dandelion salad, bizarre grass soup, or a stew of some less favorite veggies. However, if you know what our forebears did to make their family members survive, it certainly makes the same challenge easier for us. Thus, the key here is only to know the ‘where’ and ‘how’ aspects of the food arrangements or preparations during this depressive period.

    What Our ForeBears Did to Survive During The Great Depression?

    This was the time of scarcity-instilled invention, where families had no other option for survival except for to use whatever they get. They had to manage without several household staples and utilize their ingenuity to plan for alternatives, which were based on readily available products.

    Right from using dandelion in salads to mending shoes with a cardboard, the people of those days used whatever they get to make up for scarcity of practically each good and food. Initially, desperation took over ingenuity in the average kitchens.

    Urged by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt who cheered families to save as many resources as possible by practicing savvier home finance management, there were some seriously disgusting food combinations that the Americans followed during the Great Depression. However, even this is true that not the recipes of this time were transient. Big companies such as Kraft used the modern norms and preferences to turn those recipes, such as mac ‘n’ cheese, into a modern household staple.

    Many recipes of that time are not for a weak stomach or a faint heart. They tend to reflect the true national spirit of resiliency and adaptive creativity. For countless families, preparing a meal without using any processed or ready-made foods was no longer meant only for a weekend party. It became a skill for people to learn and master how to make those great depression foods.

    People who survived and recalled what was it like to have meals during this economic disaster talked about frugality, growing produce on their own and sharing with others, and coping with what they had. It was the time when leftovers were precious.

    Anything that could be grown was on priority. Unbelievable pot pies, salads, soups, stews, dumplings, and margarine wrappers all found their way to be in kitchens for several days. Well, these recipes today are unlikely to be seen in kitchens. However, in the 1930s, those recipes were a part of kitchen art, refined by inevitability.

    Recalling Top 10 Great Depression Foods

    Many Americans did not learn to prepare food as they grew up. This is the reason why they are dependent on packaged food. However, the food preparation experience was totally different at the time of economic depression in the late 1920s. Here are the top 10 Great Depression foods to learn and remember for being a better prepper.

    Mock Apple Pie

    This was perhaps the most common recipe of that time! You may be thinking how come apples would be available? Well, the most interesting aspect of this recipe is that it was made without apples. It is a fact that apples were not so readily available during that tough time. Nevertheless, this could not force the Americans to live without their treasured apple pie.

    This recipe replaced apples with crushed crackers, cinnamon, and a flavored syrup, all of which were baked to form a crispy crust. There are many versions of this recipe but the most famous ones were published on the rear of the 1934’s Ritz cracker box.

    The Ritz Mock Apple Pie was perhaps the most famous deceitful treat. It contained sugar, butter, cinnamon, lemon juice, and Ritz crackers to feature a distinct texture and a creamy taste for gratifying your senses.

    Prune Pudding

    This recipe may sound quite logical, as prunes were widely available. In fact, they are easy to store, and were more affordable than other fruits. Further, they have all the nutrients for being a Great Depression diet, ranging from fiber and 1/3rd of daily needs of Vitamin K.

    This recipe got popularity as a simple dessert during that time when Eleanor Roosevelt convinced her consort who was the President to serve it to the White House’s guests. The honorable lady was simply not going to sit back and allow the bad time to bring down the prestige of her nation down.

    She was an early patron of the movement called, the home economics, and she sincerely followed what she advised. Well, the food served in the President’s house was notably the most boring one in the history. The poor guests had to eat those eggs in a tomato sauce and crushed potatoes with prune pudding.

    Mulligan Stew

    This was the name of many stews that the homeless people made at the time of the Great Depression. The recipe varied as per the ingredients or food items on hand. Nevertheless, you can imagine it to be the result of tossing in the pot all that the maker has to feed the belly.

    The stew is certainly not an ordinary dish of the tough time! It is a traveler food, which is usually also made using stolen onions, potatoes, corn, mixed scavenged greens, and some navy beans stored in pocket or wallet for months.

    Here are two more secret ingredients in it that you cannot imagine. A bit of lint and Bull Durham tobacco for making the broth interesting.

    Dandelion Salad

    Okay, the dandelion is believed to be an annoying weed. However, at the same time, it has a long history of acting as a therapeutic herb for healing swelling, upset stomach, skin issues, eye issues, diarrhea, and heartburn. It is also a richer source of Vitamins A and C than spinach and tomatoes, respectively. Moreover, they are full of Vitamins B and D, potassium, calcium, and iron.

    This is perhaps why it got an esteemed place in the Great Depression diet. The dandelion salad was the favorite of preppers and wild experts. It was a nutritious option that includes simple greens sought from any neighborhood, vinegar if available for taste, pepper, and salt. It was also a tasty dish to add to the daily menu without spending any money.

    Peanut Butter Stuffed Onions

    Well, this name may appear surreal to you, as both the items in the name have nothing to do with each other. They are also nowhere correlated with each other. However, this bizarre blend of baked onions and peanut butter was common during the Great Depression.

    The Bureau of Home Economics made it for the first time and since then, it was popular just for its strange taste. Onions were baked and scoops of peanut butter were filled inside them, resulting in a highly disliked recipe. The maker itself urged the housewives to serve this recipe to all family members and become budgeteers.

    Vinegar Cobbler

    Both the name and taste sounded weird! Well, this is a dessert that replaced a huge amount of vinegar for costlier fruits and contained sugar, water, butter, nutmeg, flour, and vanilla on the baking plate. Rather than the pieces of apples, the apple cider vinegar was used to forge the real taste for all budgeteers.

    Interestingly, Chris Shepherd, an award-winning chef is serving this recipe at his Houston restaurant. Its flavor is much like a custard of vinegar chips and salt that triggers a tingling sensation in the roof of your mouth.

    Spaghetti and Carrot Casserole

    Casseroles were madly famous during this tough period. The recipes involved mixing all types of leftovers to form a single dish. This is how families were able to get a variety in their daily menu without looking for difficult-to-find ingredients.

    While meat was an unaffordable indulgence, spaghetti casserole was commonly made. The hard workign moms were using boiled carrots covered in a white sauce made up of butter, salt, flour, and milk. The First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was the pioneer of this item. She promoted some truly dull dishes for supporting the savvy home economics.

    Meatless Loaves

    Meatloaves, as dietary staples, were no longer available when the food scarcity commenced during the Great Depression. Thus, a meatloaf was twisted as per the available ingredients. It then became a meatless loaf made using any item that was available ranging right from raisins to peanuts. People used their ingenuity to make this item their weekly favorite.

    Potato Pancakes

    Potato is one such food that is widely available even during the tough times. It is also among the most affordable foods, whether it is a good or a bad time. Thus, it was no wonder why potatoes were widely used during the period of Great Depression.

    Depression-era chefs highly relied on potatoes as alternatives in their different dishes. One of the commonly cooked dishes was a potato pancake. This was a simple recipe, in which grated potatoes were fried or cooked in a pan. Mostly, all meals had this dish. It is one of the most common great depression foods that people still remember.


    In Cornell University, a few scientists came up with a dish called milkorno in 1933. It is a blend of cornmeal, powdered skim milk, and salt, a recipe that was made for families to fulfill their nutritional needs without increasing their budget. Upon boiling, all ingredients of Milkorno become a part of a porridge. The recipe promised a fulfilling experience for the family of five members for $5 per week.

    Again, this recipe of combining corn and milk was what that guests of Eleanor Roosevelt probably ate and made. Another two variations of this recipe were Milkoato and Milkwheato, of which the latter gave scope for big business for which dystopian dust was purchased by the government for use in the recipe.


    For the younger generation the foods described here are most likely uneapeling. They cannot imagine eating something like that even during a crisis. Our generation is no longer familar with the outcomes of a widespred famine. The time of distressing economic uncertainty has taught some great cooking skills to Americans. It is up to us how sincerely we master it and how dedicatedly we improve or learn it! Remember, future is uncertain and the economy can become volatile at any point in time. So, readiness to face it is indispensable!

  • The Threat Of Cashless Societies (A cashless society truly is a scary world. Picture everything that you’ve read about in history books within other totalitarian regimes, and you’ll get a taste of what is to come.)

    The Threat Of Cashless Societies (A cashless society truly is a scary world. Picture everything that you’ve read about in history books within other totalitarian regimes, and you’ll get a taste of what is to come.)

    Cash is the king.

    So the old adage goes anyway, and for the prepper – the one who’s keeping abreast of current events – cash is one of the last man-made means of protection that he or she has against governments that have grown to a degree of power that they never had before.

    The Dangers of a Cashless Society

    There are two predominant dangers that come with a cashless society, and just about every negative that you can think of due to such will fall into one of these two groups:

    1. Denial of purchasing power
    2. A complete loss of anonymity

    Denial of Purchasing Power

    The Threat Of Cashless Societies

    A cashless society is a controlled society. If everything must go through an online banking or credit card process, then you have just lost virtually all control over what you buy.

    Anything that is not politically sanctioned(guns, ammo, body armor, helmets, particular books, particular website premium subscriptions, political donations, etc.) could very easily be vaporized overnight.

    This, of course, would drive the makers and holders of such products into a black market to barter their goods, and this in turn would be responded to by the use of overwhelming government force. This will come in the form of Stryker vehicles, concussion grenades, snipers, and men with automatic rifles and body armor.

    Don’t believe me? Read FA Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. Totalitarian governments must resort to force simply for the sole reason that people will naturally refuse to comply with widespread theft of their own goods. This force will only continue to grow in its usage.

    Totalitarians do not accept blame for their own economical failures. The state is the end of all things to them, and as such, the end justifies the means – no matter how terrifying such a means may be.

    A Complete Loss of Anonymity

    Once cash is abolished everywhere, your attempts at any form of anonymity will be destroyed.

    The Threat Of Cashless Societies

    You already have an amazing amount of data that has been collected from you from your Internet search history, GPS data, voting history, bank statements, credit card statements, phone data, and a host of other publicly available information that easily allows people to deduce information from you.

    And where humans fail, algorithms thrive. I have a hobby interest in algorithm creation (particularly multiple linear regression analysis) and have used it within my healthcare job as a means of predicting patient attendance rather accurately on any given day. I’ve also used them to (somewhat less accurately) predict when a patient was going to have episodes of heart block.

    Algorithms are a powerful tool, and the more data you feed them, the stronger they get. With the amount of data that has been collected on you already, the government may be able to make a much stronger prediction about who you are, what you believe, and what you possess than you would’ve ever thought possible.

    Just think about what a cashless society would mean for the following purchases:

    • Medicine – The government can now invade your medical privacy to see what meds you need to live as well as know what could either improve or hamper your condition. For those who don’t believe that this is a concern, just keep in mind that it wasn’t that long ago that the US military was warning its soldiers against getting genetic testing to determine their family tree. Why? Because it was deemed to be a security risk. What do they know here that we don’t?
    • Food – Algorithms can easily predict when you are buying much more than what you could eat within a particular span of time. This then means that food stores can be predicted and located. Come disaster time, your house could easily be one of the first that is targeted for “hoarding”. And what happens if it’s determined that those with large food stores are likely to be “domestic terrorists”?
    • Firearms and Body Armor – This is the low-hanging fruit here. Weapons, ammunition, body armor – they could all be easily tracked (and later confiscated). Buying “too much” of one particular product may cause red flags to be attached to your file, and you could very easily end up with a visit from an alphabet agency full of men carrying what is now a felony for you to own.
    • Ham Radios – There already seems to be an attack against ham radio users as the government has realized that this is the route that many fearing censorship/silencing are turning toward. If you can shut down all communication other than what is government sanctioned, you have effectively silenced free speech.
    • Media – Do you like to watch documentaries that may be labeled as conspiracy theories? Is it that hard to imagine a “misinformation tax” to discourage Americans from imbibing in certain forms of media? Why not? We’ve already seen the “death by a thousand cuts” approach being used with firearms so that the argument can be made that “no, you can have a gun, but you just have to fill out these fifty forms, pay a $4000 fee, and have a license. See? There’s no infringement whatsoever.”

    To think that the same idea couldn’t be applied to the news commentators that you like to listen to is naive.

    Here are some arguments that will be used for a cashless society:

    Physical Money Shortages

    The Threat Of Cashless Societies

    Throughout 2020 we were told that there was a coin shortage throughout the U.S.

    As a result, retailers either quit giving coin change back or strongly discouraged customers from asking for it.

    Kroger actually resorted to either giving you back your money in the form of credit vouchers (to that particular store of course) or by donating the change that they owed you to charity.

    Control Over Dangerous and Illegal Purchases

    In what can only be viewed as an incredibly ironic wordsmithing, we will be told that one of the benefits to a cashless society is that we can finally rein in purchases that are deemed by the government to be dangerous to the public.

    Guns, ammunition, freedom-oriented books (“radical terrorist recruiting material”), and the like will be argued against so that we can keep our society safe. Notice that there is always an emphasis on safety throughout this entire process.

    A Fomite of Disease

    Pandemic paying

    Once again, 2020 set the stage here. Cash purchases plummeted worldwide, with credit cards filling in the void as people began to avoid any and all cash purchases with the hopes of not getting themselves sick.

    This was a talking point spouted throughout the mainstream media in 2020 and will continue to be used in the future as the push for the abolition of cash continues.

    Cost of Creation Outweighs the Actual Value of Money

    We see this already with the US penny. It actually costs 2.41₵ to produce a single penny.

    While our government currently has no problem with making fiscally irresponsible decisions, when it finally does come around to deciding that “you know what, pennies aren’t worth it” – or any other form of cash for that matter – there will be nobody that will argue against them.

    This decision will be portrayed as a means of reducing wasteful spending, and anyone who argues against this given reasoning for the abolition of cash will be labeled as an idiot who can’t do proper math.

    Less Risk of Theft

    We don’t often hear this argument being made currently, but it is out there.

    Card fraud

    The argument goes that if you’re mugged while you’re carrying $300 in cash, you simply lose all of your money.

    However, if you’re mugged and all you have on you is your credit card, then you can quickly call the credit card company, cancel your card, and be reimbursed for any disputed charges that were made in the interim.

    What Can We Do to Fight This Process?

    While I do believe that a cashless society is inevitable, I do think that there are things we can do to fight against it and to slow it down.

    Here is what we can do as freedom and privacy-loving Americans.

    #1. You Need to Make Friends with Like-Minded People Now

    I used to always blow off this idea. It wasn’t until I began talking with Forest of Prepper Net that I began to see the light on this issue. If you don’t have like-minded friends, you’re going to be up a creek without a paddle when a cashless society hits.

    You need to know who has what skills, who has what goods, who can get what, and where their sympathies lie. Perhaps this is more of a cashless society survival skill, but nevertheless, refusal to comply is still a means of fighting against a cashless society.

    And this isn’t just refusal to comply based on principal. This is refusal to comply because to do otherwise would mean certain death. When you’re not allowed into a store to buy food and other necessary goods for your family because you refuse to use Fedcoins for purchase or refuse to show a vaccination card you better be dang sure that you have some alternate means of getting what you need to live.

    History has proven such. Read the diary of Anne Frank. Had Otto Frank (her father) not had connections with like-minded (this is key) people throughout his neighborhood well prior to his going into hiding with his family, they would’ve died well before the Nazis came and took them away.

    Listen to what Good Patriot out of Texas has to say in her Fighting Back videos on Telegram. She’s echoing this same thought process. You need to make groupings of people who can work together to combat this evil.

    #2. Develop Some Means of Production

    Both Ayn Rand and Adam Smith harped on the fact that production is what equals true wealth. Whether it’s learning how to raise livestock, how to work with leather, how to tan hides, you need to learn some means of production so that you can still produce wealth when cash is taken from you.

    You still have to eat. You still have to put bread on the table. And there are going to be others out there who have principles and love logic who will be of the same mind as you. They are going to want to trade for supplies. Barter will come back in full force. You’ll need to have some means of producing something of value so that you can get what you need.

    #3. Invest in Precious Metals

    Robert Kiyosaki harps upon this in his new book, Fake, the reason being, that precious metals have intrinsic value. They’ve been used as a form of money for roughly 6,000 years now, and they’re not going to stop being a store of value anytime soon. Within a barter society, this may be one of your best stores of wealth.

    On top of this, over 40% of the US dollar supply has been printed within the past year alone. Every other economist you see is screaming about the signs of inflation. The U.S. dollar is about to collapse. There is no longer any denying it. Inflation has already risen drastically and will only continue to grow worse. You need to begin doing something to protect your wealth from inflation.

    Precious metals are part of the solution.

    #4. Start Using Masked Payments

    If you don’t have one already, you need to set up a Privacy.com account. This is a form of masked debit card that will help to keep your purchases anonymous. Yes, this is a form of cashless payment, but it is still a way to fight against such a monster.

    Provided that money is flowing out of your account but nobody can tell who you just bought from or what you bought, you’ll be much safer in your transaction privacy.

    #5. Refuse to Cater to Businesses that Don’t Permit Cash Transactions

    If you tug on their purse strings, they eventually change their mind. I’m sorry, but when good compromises with evil, evil wins. Do what you can to avoid these businesses like the plague, and then let them know why you’re avoiding them.

    I used to carry around business cards detailing why I wouldn’t support businesses with ‘’no gun’’ stickers on the front doors. I’ve since ran out. I think that such a business card for businesses that don’t permit cash transactions would be an easy way to voice one’s displeasure as well.

    Here’s a sample card template:

    I consider your refusal to accept cash as un-American, a forced invasion of my privacy, and a totalitarian tool. As such, I will cease from doing any business with you for the near future and will be spending my money at your competitors instead.”

    This is similar to the language that I used within my Second Amendment business cards. I bought them easily off of Vistaprint (around 500 for $20 or so) and considered the money worth every penny.

    #6. Learn How to Grow Your Own Food

    There’s already a movement afoot within the U.S. to keep certain types of people out of grocery stores. Vaccination papers are beginning to be asked for before one gains access to certain venues or hotel chains. It won’t be long until cashless payments are the only means of accessing even groceries.

    Because of this, I highly recommend that you learn how to grow most of your own food, and begin learning now. Gardening has quite a learning curve and is nowhere near as easy as Michael Bloomberg would have you believe. You need to ensure that your family can eat, and gardening is a great part of that process.

    Final Thoughts

    A cashless society truly is a scary world. Picture everything that you’ve read about in history books within other totalitarian regimes, and you’ll get a taste of what is to come. I implore you to do something now to protect yourself against the rolling stone that is coming down the mountain right for you.

    If you follow the above advice, you’ll help to ease the blow. And there’s no doubt about it – it will be a smack in the face. But we can’t just sit back and do nothing as privacy dies a quiet death inside what was once the freest nation on Earth.

    If you’ve found other ways to combat a cashless society that we did not cover within this article, by all means, please let us and others know within the comments. This is about helping our fellow man, and as much input is needed as possible.



    Have you ever wondered what makes a person snap? What causes a normal, quiet, everyday citizen, loving mother, or doting father to lose it all and fight like a caged animal? What can cause a small village to rise up and rebel against an oppressive police force and start killing them? What is the switch that gets flipped that causes a city to pour two million people into the streets, chanting and demanding to be heard by their government?

    Lately it feels more and more as though we are on standing on the edge of some yawning precipice peering over the crest into darkness. What is more troubling to me is that we have been down this path before. The sense of unease is almost palpable to me sometimes; it is more evident if you are paying attention. If you are able to eliminate the white noise of the world for a minute; hit the pause button on the playlist of daily life for a while and look around, listen, you may start to recognize that you too are caught up in events that will soon change all our lives.

    For several years I have felt an unsettling sense that we need to be prepared, that life is going to throw us a big, fat, greasy curve ball soon and we better not be caught napping. To try and proactively address that warning voice I started planning and taking steps to prepare my family to be able to weather events in the future. I am certainly not alone in this concern as you can easily see by the tremendous growth of the prepper movement. In the spectrum of probable events, there are a lot of potential scenarios. Natural disasters and emergencies occur every day all over the world, but you have to broaden your gaze and look to current events and history as well. One of the things that I think is a valid potential event to consider is a collapse of our way of life which leads to an authoritarian oppressive government.

    Are we reaching a tipping point?

     SS soldiers guarding the column of captive Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.
    SS soldiers guarding the column of captive Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.

    We have seen in recent events, by now almost too numerous to mention, the effects of a rising frustration with the way things are. It isn’t necessary to go into all of the individual reasons, but as a society there are more and more outpourings of frustration on a global scale. There are increasingly tightening restrictions against people. There is a manipulation of markets and the economy. There is a great increase in the loss of freedom and there is a more open antagonism and almost outright animosity by Government towards their people.

    Governments exist either because they have come to power through force and violence or they have been elected and given power by the people. The force and violence crowd usually have their roots in the military and we like to call them Dictators. There have been a ton of them throughout history; Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Jong iL and now his son, Saddam, Gaddafi, the list goes on and on. Dictators don’t care about the people and usually kill anyone who gets in their way. It is a fact that government has killed more people than any other cause, disease or reason.

    The other side of the coin is what is usually called Democracies. I am lumping a lot of governments in here I know, but the democracies are usually elected and formed with the consent of the people with the noble goal of securing rights or protecting the people over whom they govern. Almost without fail however, Democratic Governments eventually do not want to answer to the people and at some point they most certainly will not be told what to do by the people to the point of ignoring the will of the people (for the people’s own good of course). Now these governments that are supposed to secure the liberties of their people are becoming more openly hostile to the same people they have sworn to defend. Funnily enough the democratically elected governments now seem to want to hang on to power with the same methods of force and violence as dictators. How else can you explain arming themselves with ammo, ignoring the constitution, purchasing assault vehicles and preparing to confiscate firearms?

    When governments will steal money outright from the citizens in order to pay bills that were not incurred by the people we have a problem. When government spies on its people and uses that information against them punitively we have a problem. When Government uses the force of the military that was supposed to defend the people that was paid for by the people, for the purposes of killing the people, we have a big problem. When someone brings to light crimes by the government and is labeled as the one who is a danger, we have a problem.

    The problem is that governments around the world are viewing their people as the problem and there really seems to be only one way throughout history that this is ever rectified. My fear is that we are already set on a course that won’t be changed with laws, great political leaders, or a return to the values of a golden age in time long past.

    The Fine Line – The Straw that breaks the camel’s back

    The fine line between someone who is a law-abiding citizen and a murderer is one that exists purely in our souls. There is nothing physical that is different from a person who follows the rules and someone who breaks them. The urge to pull the trigger isn’t something you can see and it isn’t a trait to test for, so it must be our own individual sense of right and wrong. Of good and evil.

    I know that some will argue that a psychopath is definitely recognizable by character traits and maybe even brainwaves or chemistry. That may be true, but you can be a psychopath (clinically) without ever hurting anyone. By the same token, you can take a life while being perfectly “sane”.

    If you hold a knife in your hand, you are just as capable of using that to stab or cut someone as the murderer in the next town, but that thought never enters the mind of an overwhelming majority of people. A baseball bat in your hands can easily be swung with great force connecting it to the back of a skull, but this thought never appears in our heads; that is unless we are forced into a corner. When a person is in desperate fear for their lives, the unspoken rules of right and wrong are broken. The processes that we follow every day are overridden in the cause of rage or self-preservation. What was unthinkable before is now very real, necessary and even righteous with the right circumstances.

    When the right buttons are pushed, anyone can lose it. When the fear of dying or of losing someone you love is so overpowering, the “fine line” that has been keeping us sane, law-abiding and good is easily shattered. When this happens, all bets are off.

    We as a people, a country are still rather firmly attached on the good side of this line. We have not yet completely been driven to abandon all hope and lash out. We have not yet been so harmed, have not gotten to the point that we have nothing to lose and are ready to lose it, but this may be coming in the future.

    The force and violence that is being used now to quell the dissatisfaction of people globally is increasing. The methods to cease the complaining of the rabble has been relatively minor with some exceptions. Tear gas, rubber bullets, mace and batons only work up to a point though. When the time comes that people can no longer abide, there won’t be enough police to stop them using riot control techniques. The military doesn’t have enough people to stop the entire population unless those people peacefully agree to surrender, so what will they do? Do you believe any government will quietly step down and admit that they are obviously not speaking for the people anymore? No. They will resort to more force and violence and people will die. Either that or you have a coup like they had in Egypt and guess who took over to “restore order”? Yep, the Military.

    What will be the inevitable response by the authorities?

    The Chinese people who started to revolt against the police in their town did so because the authorities were “placing restrictions on their culture, language and religion”. China is no picnic compared to America and we clearly know they have lived through far worse oppression than we have, but this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for them?

    The protests which turned into an estimated two million citizens of Brazil had started simply enough with a protest over a rise in the rates of public transportation.

    In America, what will be the trigger that causes people to rise up and say we aren’t going to take this anymore and more importantly what will happen when/if we do?

    What will happen if we don’t change the path we are on?

    The execution of the last Jew in Vinnytsia, made by an officer of the German Einsatzgruppen
    The execution of the last Jew in Vinnytsia, made by an officer of the German Einsatzgruppen

    There is a quote that has always struck me as very sad and telling from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his book The Gulag Archipelago. Solzhenitsyn was a Russian who was sentenced to 8 years in a Soviet prison camp for essentially writing things about Stalin that the government didn’t like. During this time in Soviet Russia, to stifle dissent, millions were killed or sent to prison camps. In this passage Solzhenitsyn is talking about regret that everyone felt because they simply went along with this tyranny and didn’t oppose it.


    Will this be our fate too? Will we slowly be conditioned to accept atrocities like this and to be completely defanged so that we can be herded into camps without so much as a whimper as well? That’s crazy you say! Is it? Right now, our government is hunting down someone who simply exposed how they (government) were illegally spying on all of us. Our government is buying arms and stockpiling weapons for use domestically not in some war. Our government has the IRS actively harassing a single political/opposition party. Our government has shown that they will lock down a town and go door to door while making the citizens stay cowered inside. Our government has stated that they can imprison anyone without cause for an indefinite amount of time.

    Can you seriously argue that we aren’t headed down the same path as others have in our not too distant past?

    This is not a call to armed Revolution, but I do think we should all be very wary of this course we are on and the echos of history. We should not be silent in the face of increasing oppression. We should not simply go along quietly because of the fear that we may get in trouble, or worse that we believe the government is only looking out for our best interests. You only need to look at the people in Poland who quietly went into the Warsaw ghettos. You don’t have to look any further than the Holocaust to see what quietly going along will get you.

    This is not a fate that I will be bringing on my family.

  • Why Do Government Officials Want to Ban Ham Radio? (HAM Radio is the single most reliable and effective means of communication in any emergency and has been for over 100 years.)

    Why Do Government Officials Want to Ban Ham Radio? (HAM Radio is the single most reliable and effective means of communication in any emergency and has been for over 100 years.)

    HAM Radio has been around since the very beginning of radio, back in the 1890s. A loose-knit, but globe-spanning group, they are brought together by their common love for what they do. They are not a club, but comprise many clubs together. While mostly ignored and left to their devices, HAM Radio operators provide several essential services, such as providing military personnel in hazardous duty postings overseas a means of talking to their families. When other communications fail, it is the HAM Radio operators who provide emergency communications to the nations.

    Yet HAM Radio may be in trouble. It appears that there are those in government service who don’t like the idea of a group of people who can do things the government can’t do for themselves; and HAM Radio operators have a long history of doing just that. When Admiral Byrd led his expedition to the South Pole, the Navy couldn’t maintain contact with him. But a HAM Radio operator by the name of Collins could, leading that HAM to create the Collins Radio Company to build his equipment and sell it to the Navy.

    The First Inklings of Trouble

    In 2012 the federal government launched a $47 billion Cell Phone Network, called FirstNet. Intended to be a public safety nationwide broadcast network, FirstNet was already obsolete the day it was turned on.

    Conceived in the wake of 9/11, FirstNet is supposed to provide police and firefighters with a means of communication in times of emergency. But like many government projects, it went overtime and over budget. Fifteen years after the event which prompted its inception and four years after the due date, all that FirstNet has accomplished is to create another government bureaucracy that has spent taxpayer money.

    So, how did this boondoggle start? After-action review of 9/11 determined that police and fire commanders had problems in communicating with each other. Supposedly because of that, information from police helicopters, which reportedly could see that the buildings were about to fail, never got transmitted to fire commanders, so that they could pull their people from the buildings. That was blamed for the death of 120 firefighters.

    But while the media-hyped that conclusion, anyone can see there are a number of large holes in that theory. First and foremost, who designated the police officers flying those helicopters civil engineers, able to make that determination? Even if they did and even if they transmitted that information to the various fire departments involved, why would the firefighters believe them. Firefighters run into damaged, dangerous buildings all the time, why would they suddenly run out, based upon such an unreliable report?

    If you’re looking for an example of the government doing something wrong, then this could be it. Two years after congressional approval, the only accomplishment the quasi-independent agency could show for itself was hiring a skeleton staff. Even that was questionable, as many of the key people seemed to have issues with conflicts of interest. Another two years went by before this group of bureaucrats managed to issue requests for proposals (RFP), asking contractors to bid on building and operating the system.

    That alone is enough to make one wonder why the agency is even needed. If the actual work of running FirstNet was going to be done by contractors, what were the government workers going to do? Even worse, if the government workers in question were that slow doing their jobs, how would they ever manage to get information to first responders in a timely manner?

    Besides, technology has outstripped the FirstNet system in the years it has taken to develop it. Digital cell phone networks can far outperform what the FirstNet system is intended to do, providing interconnected user groups, which have a priority for communications in an emergency.

    Many major metropolitan areas have already dealt with the problems that FristNet are supposed to solve; and they’ve done it for much less money. So why bother creating such a solution? Could it just be for smaller communities? The RFP makes this a very real possibility, since coast-to-coast coverage is a requirement. But then, why should those first responders have such coast-to-coast communications, when the people who would be calling them for help won’t have it?

    Basically, the system was designed for failure, right from the start. Yet thanks to bureaucratic inertia, development of the system continues, gobbling up dollars which could best be spent elsewhere. But even worse, the push to replace the HAM Radio network with this non-working and probably unworkable network continues.

    So California Gets Involved

    California has seen the writing on the wall and is already preparing. Convinced that at some undetermined day, still in the future, they won’t have to depend on HAM Radio operators for emergency communications, they’ve decided they don’t need them now. Therefore, they have sent a letter to all HAM Radio operators in the state, informing them that their repeaters will no longer be allowed to be on “public” land or buildings for free, but would instead have to pay hefty fees to locate them there.

    The repeaters in question are privately owned and operated radios that boost the signal of communications that will otherwise not reach their intended destination. They are not owned by corporations which have deep pockets to pay government fees, but by individuals who provide emergency communications for free. Yet the government is now expecting them to pay for that privilege.

    The repeaters don’t cost the government of California one cent. They are totally funded by the HAM Radio operators; people who provide this as a public service, out of their own pockets, in order to help ensure public safety in a time of emergency.

    Perhaps this is just one more way for California’s government to squeeze a few more dollars out of taxpayers’ wallets. If so, it’s the wrong way to do it; the classic case of cutting your nose off to spite your face. The individuals who own those repeaters will either be forced to shut them down or move them to other, privately owned properties, where they probably won’t perform as well.

    But one of California’s biggest goals, politically speaking, is to be the most progressive of all progressive states. Therefore, even if it does require cutting their own nose off, they will make things harder for HAM Radio operators. Then, when they need help that the HAM Radio operators can no longer provide, they’ll blame those same operators for “sabotaging” the system.

    If California is truly leading the charge against HAM Radio operators with this move, they are making the nation less secure, not more secure. HAM Radio is the single most reliable and effective means of communication in any emergency and has been for over 100 years. Cutting it off at the knees, in the name of progressivism isn’t progress, it’s putting your own people at danger, in the name of ideology. Oops.

  • Reality on the Ground in Ukraine (“The Russian Armed Forces will continue to fulfill all tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief,” namely the demilitarization and deNazification of Ukraine until able to declare that the mission was accomplished.)

    Reality on the Ground in Ukraine (“The Russian Armed Forces will continue to fulfill all tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief,” namely the demilitarization and deNazification of Ukraine until able to declare that the mission was accomplished.)

    Since Russia’s SMO began on Feb. 24, its forces have been systematically degrading the ability of Ukraine’s military to resist the daily onslaught against it.

    While striking military targets alone to minimize civilian casualties, the toll on Ukraine and welfare of its people continues to mount daily.

    Any sensible leader would seek conflict resolution to halt what’s ongoing relentlessly.

    Kiev lacks one, a US-installed puppet and regime alone with marching orders to continue a suicide mission to the last Ukrainian.

    Against vastly superior Russian forces, continuing to fight is mission impossible.

    The same goes for trying to resupply Ukrainian troops with more US/Western weapons.

    Russia’s Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu, minced no words saying the following:

    Hegemon USA and NATO vassal states “continue to pump weapons into Ukraine.” 

    “I can confirm that any transport from the North Atlantic alliance that arrives in the country with weapons or materiel for the Ukrainian armed forces will be considered by us as a legitimate target for destruction,” adding:

    “The Russian Armed Forces will continue to fulfill all tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief,” namely the demilitarization and deNazification of Ukraine until able to declare that the mission was accomplished.

    Commenting on reality on the ground in Ukraine, military analyst Andrei Martyanov said the following:

    “Russia has excellent space-based intel and recon assets.”

    “(T)argeting (attempted cross-border deliveries of US/Western weapons et al to Ukraine) will not be a problem.”

    If the Biden and subservient NATO regimes “think that they can (re)supply Nazi(s) in Kiev with quite useless…weapons,” they’re delusional.

    Overpowering Russian military strength can destroy them.

    Ukraine’s military bases can “easily be wiped off the map…”

    The above reality was Shoigu’s message.

    On Wednesday, Southfront reported the following reality on the ground in Ukraine as follows, saying:

    “Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Pyatihatki with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Tymkove with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Volovets with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Lvov with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Pidbirtsi with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked…assets of (Ukraine’s military) near Protopopovka with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked…assets of (its military) near Novaya Dmitrovka with a high-precision missile.

    “Russia attacked (its) military assets near Sandjeika with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (its) military assets near Krysino with a high-precision missile.”

    Russia attacked (its) military assets near Volnyansk with a high-precision missile.

    “Russia attacked (its) military assets near Novoalexandrovka with a high-precision missile.”

    Analyst Larry Johnson stressed the following:

    Russian forces are moving “methodically and cautiously.”

    They’re “relying on artillery and air strikes to soften up Ukrainian defensive positions.”

    The strategy “is paying dividends.”

    “Ukrainian troops are surrendering in significant numbers, especially (inadequately trained conscripts rushed) into service, (ones) not affiliated with neo-Nazi (thugs and likeminded) mercenar(ies).”

    On Wednesday, desperation in Kiev was clear.  

    Ukrainian reservists were activated for duty, ones up to age-60.

    In stark contrast, Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu and other Russian officials set no SMO timeline or deadline.

    As Johnson explained, they’re “not going to send their military units into head on assaults and risk unnecessary casualties.”

    They’re “going to bomb Ukrainian units relentlessly until they surrender or are destroyed.” 

    “Time is on Putin’s side.”

    Kiev is on its back foot, its military greatly degraded ahead of smashing it entirely if conflict continues for many more weeks.

    At the same time, its economy was crushed, its people more greatly impoverished and immiserated than before Russia’s SMO began.

    Its sovereignty lost to hegemon US control, its puppet leadership farcically inept and out of touch with reality, Kiev can no longer provide even basic needs for its people.

    Lacking enough fuel and transport means, it can’t resupply its forces with weapons, munitions, and equipment.

    On Wednesday, Russia’s Defense Ministry updated the toll on Ukraine’s military, saying:

    To date, Russia’s SMO destroyed “146 aircraft, 112 helicopters, 712 UAVs, 287 air defense systems, 2,817 tanks and other combat armored vehicles as well as 323 multiple launch rocket systems.”

    Its military also destroyed 1,292 field artillery guns and mortars (as well as) 2,624 special military motor vehicles.

    Another 16 Ukrainian command posts and two fuel depots were eliminated.

    Hundreds of Ukrainian troop strongholds were significantly degraded.

    Many thousands of its forces were killed, wounded or otherwise put out of action.

    Growing hundreds of Ukrainian troops lay down their arms and surrender daily.

    Separately on Wednesday, the European Commission announced its intent to cease importing Russian oil by yearend.

    Ignoring that EU countries greatly depend on Russian oil and gas, banning either or both will crush their economies.

    At the same time, energy not shipped by Russia to Western states is going to Eastern and other ones.

    So EU nations that go along with the harebrained scheme are sanctioning themselves and their people — while largely self-sufficient Russia is holding up well.

    A Final Comment

    While Russia is gradually winning the battle of Ukraine and sustaining its economy, Austria’s OMV Group CEO Alfred Stern said the following:

    “I don’t think that today we are ready for an embargo.” 

    “Unless we are ready to accept the consequences.” 

    “Because one thing needs to be clearly understood.”

    “Our gas supply (and much oil) is provided not by our own production in Europe, but by supplies from Russia.”

    Embargoing it is madness.

  • Reality on the Ground in Ukraine

    Reality on the Ground in Ukraine

    Since Russia’s SMO began on Feb. 24, its forces have been systematically degrading the ability of Ukraine’s military to resist the daily onslaught against it.

    While striking military targets alone to minimize civilian casualties, the toll on Ukraine and welfare of its people continues to mount daily.

    Any sensible leader would seek conflict resolution to halt what’s ongoing relentlessly.

    Kiev lacks one, a US-installed puppet and regime alone with marching orders to continue a suicide mission to the last Ukrainian.

    Against vastly superior Russian forces, continuing to fight is mission impossible.

    The same goes for trying to resupply Ukrainian troops with more US/Western weapons.

    Russia’s Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu, minced no words saying the following:

    Hegemon USA and NATO vassal states “continue to pump weapons into Ukraine.” 

    “I can confirm that any transport from the North Atlantic alliance that arrives in the country with weapons or materiel for the Ukrainian armed forces will be considered by us as a legitimate target for destruction,” adding:

    “The Russian Armed Forces will continue to fulfill all tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief,” namely the demilitarization and deNazification of Ukraine until able to declare that the mission was accomplished.

    Commenting on reality on the ground in Ukraine, military analyst Andrei Martyanov said the following:

    “Russia has excellent space-based intel and recon assets.”

    “(T)argeting (attempted cross-border deliveries of US/Western weapons et al to Ukraine) will not be a problem.”

    If the Biden and subservient NATO regimes “think that they can (re)supply Nazi(s) in Kiev with quite useless…weapons,” they’re delusional.

    Overpowering Russian military strength can destroy them.

    Ukraine’s military bases can “easily be wiped off the map…”

    The above reality was Shoigu’s message.

    On Wednesday, Southfront reported the following reality on the ground in Ukraine as follows, saying:

    “Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Pyatihatki with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Tymkove with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Volovets with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Lvov with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (a) railway substation in Pidbirtsi with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked…assets of (Ukraine’s military) near Protopopovka with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked…assets of (its military) near Novaya Dmitrovka with a high-precision missile.

    “Russia attacked (its) military assets near Sandjeika with a high-precision missile.

    Russia attacked (its) military assets near Krysino with a high-precision missile.”

    Russia attacked (its) military assets near Volnyansk with a high-precision missile.

    “Russia attacked (its) military assets near Novoalexandrovka with a high-precision missile.”

    Analyst Larry Johnson stressed the following:

    Russian forces are moving “methodically and cautiously.”

    They’re “relying on artillery and air strikes to soften up Ukrainian defensive positions.”

    The strategy “is paying dividends.”

    “Ukrainian troops are surrendering in significant numbers, especially (inadequately trained conscripts rushed) into service, (ones) not affiliated with neo-Nazi (thugs and likeminded) mercenar(ies).”

    On Wednesday, desperation in Kiev was clear.  

    Ukrainian reservists were activated for duty, ones up to age-60.

    In stark contrast, Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shoigu and other Russian officials set no SMO timeline or deadline.

    As Johnson explained, they’re “not going to send their military units into head on assaults and risk unnecessary casualties.”

    They’re “going to bomb Ukrainian units relentlessly until they surrender or are destroyed.” 

    “Time is on Putin’s side.”

    Kiev is on its back foot, its military greatly degraded ahead of smashing it entirely if conflict continues for many more weeks.

    At the same time, its economy was crushed, its people more greatly impoverished and immiserated than before Russia’s SMO began.

    Its sovereignty lost to hegemon US control, its puppet leadership farcically inept and out of touch with reality, Kiev can no longer provide even basic needs for its people.

    Lacking enough fuel and transport means, it can’t resupply its forces with weapons, munitions, and equipment.

    On Wednesday, Russia’s Defense Ministry updated the toll on Ukraine’s military, saying:

    To date, Russia’s SMO destroyed “146 aircraft, 112 helicopters, 712 UAVs, 287 air defense systems, 2,817 tanks and other combat armored vehicles as well as 323 multiple launch rocket systems.”

    Its military also destroyed 1,292 field artillery guns and mortars (as well as) 2,624 special military motor vehicles.

    Another 16 Ukrainian command posts and two fuel depots were eliminated.

    Hundreds of Ukrainian troop strongholds were significantly degraded.

    Many thousands of its forces were killed, wounded or otherwise put out of action.

    Growing hundreds of Ukrainian troops lay down their arms and surrender daily.

    Separately on Wednesday, the European Commission announced its intent to cease importing Russian oil by yearend.

    Ignoring that EU countries greatly depend on Russian oil and gas, banning either or both will crush their economies.

    At the same time, energy not shipped by Russia to Western states is going to Eastern and other ones.

    So EU nations that go along with the harebrained scheme are sanctioning themselves and their people — while largely self-sufficient Russia is holding up well.

    A Final Comment

    While Russia is gradually winning the battle of Ukraine and sustaining its economy, Austria’s OMV Group CEO Alfred Stern said the following:

    “I don’t think that today we are ready for an embargo.” 

    “Unless we are ready to accept the consequences.” 

    “Because one thing needs to be clearly understood.”

    “Our gas supply (and much oil) is provided not by our own production in Europe, but by supplies from Russia.”

    Embargoing it is madness.

    This guide below can help you in a survival situation

    If society collapses, you can bet that the foods the pioneers ate will become dietary staples

    The Lost Ways prepares you to deal with worst-case scenarios with the minimum amount of resources just like our forefathers lived their lives, totally independent from electricity, cars, or modern technology.

    So pay chose attention because this video will change your life forever for the good!

  • Our Underlying Goal In A SHTF Scenario Is Ultimately to Stay Alive And Live Without Exposure To Risks: The Six Laws Of Survival (Read This. Memorize This. Apply This. One Day, You Will Need It.)

    Our Underlying Goal In A SHTF Scenario Is Ultimately to Stay Alive And Live Without Exposure To Risks: The Six Laws Of Survival (Read This. Memorize This. Apply This. One Day, You Will Need It.)

    Our underlying goal in a SHTF scenario is ultimately to stay alive and live without exposure to risks.  As much preparation as many of us have made, in the altered world of a SHTF crisis, there will be many dangers that lurk; and some of them will be inadvertently from our own doing.

    Here are the six laws of survival. Read this. Memorize this. Apply this. One day, you will need it.]

    In a survival scenario all bets are off and the following laws will keep you alive. These laws are rigid, but necessary. Harsh, but true. Keep your cards close and always have a plan.

    Law 1: Wherever that crowd is running, do not join them.

    This is not to say that they aren’t (initially) running in the right direction.  But what of it?  They are bound to be either captured en masse or worse (bombed, strafed, or shot).  For the horror of the IHM (the Incredible Human Mob), look no further than “War of the Worlds” with Tom Cruise where he and his family are driving the passenger van…right up and into the mob.  Look what happened there.  You can’t defeat their numbers, and you will be captive to them…another steer in the herd.

    Strike out on your own, you and your family, avoiding the main thoroughfares at all cost, and avoiding the IHM.

    Law 2: You have to have a place (and places) to go.

    This is where thinking outside of the general herd will pay off.  We’re going to instruct by running through a checklist…. this will be a “handy-dandy” checklist that you can print out or run over in your mind to be able to follow rule #2.

    • Did you preposition assets (food, weapons, money, etc.) at an initial safe location?
    • Is that location within walking distance for you and your family?
    • Once there, are you and your family secure for at least a 24 – 48-hour period?
    • Safe from enemy troops/government “peacekeepers” on the hunt?
    • Safe from fallout and/or NBC agents?
    • Does it have a food and water supply to sustain all of you for 7 days?
    •  If your initial safe location has been compromised, is a duplicate location nearby?
    • Do you have a farther (more remote) location that you can reach on foot in 3 days?
    • A secure, sustainable location with supplies for at least a month?
    • Do you and your family have a handheld method of communication for each member?
    • Have you formulated short-term (initial contact, 48 hours, 7 days) plans?
    • Have you made long-term (1 month and month-by-month; 6 months and 6-month continuous analysis; 1 year) plans?

    Guys and gals, these are just basics.  You must have these things in place in order to give you and your family a fighting chance.  Whether or not it is a foreign invasion or a domestic communist takeover of the United States, you must leave your home in suburbia or you will be rounded up, bringing us forward:

    Law 3: You will be leaving your home, permanently or for a long time.

    This is survival.  The majority of readers are not living in the mountains or in a remote location.  If you follow these steps and practice them on a dry-run on a regular basis…it will give you the advantage that most people will not have.  You must innovate: come up with ideas that others will not think of.  Do you know of an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town?  Chances are that 90% of others will think the same thing in a grid-down/Red Dawn survival scenario.  You need to find the places that are off the beaten path.  And if there are none?  It may mean that you have to create a place.

    How?  By caching your supplies within the walking distances described for each part of the “safe” area.  By finding tunnels, caves, or other sub-structures that can protect you from the elements and at least afford partial protection from radiation.  By being who it is you imagine yourself to be: a prepper…a survivalist…or a survivor.  When you enter any contest, do you enter it to lose?  Do you strive for just “second place” or “second best” in this arena?  Chances are the answer is “no,” but you have to arrive on that conclusion on your own.  All of this is a challenge, and this underlines everything for you if it needs clarification:

    Law 4: In survival, there is no silver medal: “second place” means death.

    Forget that phrase in “The Hunger Games,” because if you are taken…the odds are not ever in your favor.  We went through a 4-article series on how to escape from the Gulag where I reiterated how important it is for you to stay out of it.  I stand by this concept.  If you are taken captive, the odds aren’t in your favor of getting out…for the duration of it.

    And then guess what?  The Germans during WWII as the allies approached began to hide their transgressions by liquidating the camps…basically killing everyone that could bear any type of witness to the atrocities.  Do not think for an instant that it will not happen again.  Look at Holodomor in Ukraine and the starvation tactics the USSR used to follow after the Malthusian model.  Our enemies have very little regard for human life, and the lives they value are of their own people.  If the Chinese communists would run over their own people with tanks and sell their internal organs while they’re still alive, what will they do with us?

    Which brings us to the “Malcolm X” rule:

    Law 5: You must stay out and survive by any and all means necessary.

    Some of you may think “JJ is a little harsh.”  I would rather be hard and harsh now, and enable you, my countrymen, to have some tools at your disposal and a “sharp tack” under the figurative buttocks of your mind to give you the impetus to do something about the situation prior to its occurrence.  The country is “long in the tooth,” and you have to grasp these concepts and act upon them now…not burn off the pages and save them in the survival archives…but use them to inculcate your own, individual plan of action now.

    Rule #5 means resolving yourself to do what you must in order to protect yourself from the ravages (and not just possible, but probable death) inside of one of these camps.  These are all basic, “generic” things to begin as a base for your preparations.  This is a form of guerilla warfare!  Avoid the occupiers/oppressors at all cost!  These things will work for you…if you resolve yourself (ves) to do them.  I’ll close with a note on OPSEC (operational security): you better build off of these basics and keep all of them to yourself.

    JJ is giving you the basics that you need, without revealing everything of his own plans.  Why?  Because I earned them by paying for them with years of experience and suffering, and it means my family’s survival.  Such measures would run you a lot of money and imagination; such measures come from years of practical experience and the willingness to take chances.  This thought brings us to our final rule, the failure of which means compromise leading to death:

    Law 6:  Do not tip your hand or reveal your plans to anyone.

    Next installment we will talk about life under occupation, be that by foreign invaders or by totalitarian state that has morphed out of a democracy.  In the meantime, prepare and plan, and when you are reasonably sure, execute a dry run.  The practice does make perfect and affords you a time and trials to iron out all of the glitches in your operations.  Until next time be good to one another and keep up the fight!

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